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Shoulder Health Basics
Shoulder Health Basics
Let's Start! Program introduction & FAQ's (3:26)
Demystifying MFR (5:16)
Day 1, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff: Infraspinatus Myofascial Release (8:00)
Day 1, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff: Easy Rotator Cuff Stability Builder (6:41)
Day 1, Exercise 3: Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Co-Contraction (6:21)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Scapular Function: Rhomboids Myofascial Release (6:19)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Scapular Function: Scap Squares at Wall (3:17)
Day 2, Exercise 3: Scapular Function: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function (11:04)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Thoracic Function//Pecs: Thoracic Extension (4:24)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Thoracic Function//Pecs: Thoracic Rotation in Lunge 2 (6:52)
Day 3, Exercise 3: Thoracic Function//Pecs: Pecs - Active Range of Motion (5:31)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Strength and ROM (9:58)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff: Two-Part Stabilization & Overhead Mechanics (5:02)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Dynamic Movement//Recovery: Full Shoulder Flow 1 (17:32)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Dynamic Movement//Recovery: Body Scan (14:47)
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Day 2, Exercise 3: Scapular Function: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function
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