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Rotator Cuff Health for Weightlifting Athletes
Day 1, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Strength & Range of Motion (9:58)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control in Thoracic Extension (12:32)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff: Active Control in the Overhead Position (11:10)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Scap Function: Scap Squares at Wall (3:17)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Scap Function: Posterior Shoulder Strength - Prone (8:57)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Pecs & Lats: Lat Prep for the Overhead Position (9:07)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Flow: Strong Shoulder Flow (12:06)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Passive Mobility// Recovery: Gentle Shoulder Reset - Gomukhasana & Twist (11:20)
Day 1, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff: Shoulders - Resisted Internal & External Rotation (6:31)
Day 1, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff: Plank + A Block = The Most Fun Shoulder Exercise (3:19)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control & Thoracic Cat/Cow (5:52)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Side-lying Thoracic Rotation (5:20)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff: Active Control in the Overhead Position 2 (11:45)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Scap Function: Scap Squares - Floor version (4:58)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Scap Function: Kneeling Shoulder Circles (8:25)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Pecs & Lats: Pec Activation (9:44)
Day 6, Execise 1: Flow: Strong Shoulder Flow 3 (12:16)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Passive Mobility// Recovery: Passive Thoracic Extension & Pec Minor Release (10:59)
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Day 2, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control & Thoracic Cat/Cow
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