Health Savings Account (HSA) Payment Information
Did you know? You can use your HSA to pay for our strength training program!
To use your HSA for our program, you’ll need a "Letter of Medical Necessity" stating that this specific program is medically necessary for treating your diagnosed osteoporosis or high risk of developing it.
There are two ways to arrange this letter and pay through your HSA...
Option 1
Direct payment with your HSA card
As part of our intake process, you can choose to pay directly via your HSA account. At the checkout, you'll fill out a quick eligibility form to confirm you qualify to pay with HSA.
Once you've been verified, we can issue a Letter of Medical Necessity for a $30 fee as part of the checkout process.
Once you've entered your HSA card details and completed your purchase, you'll receive your Letter of Medical Necessity via email along with an itemized receipt for your records.
Note: We are unfortunately unable to apply promotional discounts when paying directly via your HSA account.
Option 2
Claim reimbursement after purchase
First, we strongly recommend checking with your insurance provider ahead of time to confirm eligibility for reimbursement.
If you're eligible, you'll need to obtain a Letter of Medical Necessity from your doctor that recommends a strength training program for osteoporosis or osteopenia.
Then, once you've purchased our Strength Training & Yoga for Osteoporosis program, print your purchase receipt (sent via email) and submit it to your HSA provider along with your Letter of Medical Necessity.
Information for your doctor
If you choose the reimbursement option, click the links to download these documents to share with your doctor if needed!
Download: Prescription requirements
We created a convenient list of what should be included in your prescription. Download the document and give it to your doctor so they can write up a prescription your HSA administrator will approve for reimbursement.